Interskate Safety Rules

  • Everyone on the large skating rink floor must be wearing skates. We do allow walking on the small skating rink floor that is located in the back of the building if you are accompanying a skater that is learning to skate.

  • The little rink is strictly for skaters who are practicing and new to skating.

  • All skaters should be skating in the regular skating direction at all times. The regular direction of skating is counter-clockwise. The only time a skater is permitted to skate the opposite direction is if the DJ specifically states they can.

  • All faster skaters should be towards the outside of the skate floor and all slower skaters should be towards the inside of the skate floor.

  • Strollers and Skate Buddies (PVC trainers on wheels) should be kept to the inside portion of the skating rink floor if they are on the main rink floor.

  • Skate buddies (PVC trainers on wheels) are only to be used to help a skater learn how to skate and must be used properly.

  • Horseplay alone, with another skater, or with a skate buddy (PVC trainers on wheels) is strictly prohibited and could result in a skaters ejection from the building without refund.

  • Do not cut directly across the skater traffic to get to the center of the floor. You must go diagonally and gradually with traffic to get to the center of the skating rink floor. If you need help getting from the outside of the skate floor to the inside section of the skate floor, please ask one of our floor guards for guidance.

  • All skaters should not skate any faster than they can control themselves. Running into other skaters is a clear sign to slow down.

  • Skating hazards are easy to be avoided. We do not allow any food or drinks on the skate floor at any time and it is best if you keep them away from the edges of the skate floor as well. If you are wearing a beaded bracelet or necklace, we strongly suggest you take them off prior to skating to ensure they do not break while you are skating and create a hazard for the other skaters. We also do not allow the chewing of gum in the building to prevent the unfortunate possibility of it being spit on the skating rink floor.

  • If you are wearing your personal skates, please ensure you have cleaned your wheels prior to stepping on our floor to make sure you don’t track anything on our floor and to ensure your wheels are performing to their best ability.

  • No one is allowed to skate while they are pregnant under any circumstance.

  • Skaters are not allowed to carry another skater or non-skater while they are on skates.